Do you feel like you are so busy that you do not have time for a life? Do you feel as if you are constantly running behind? Your work To-do list seems to be getting longer and longer and you get further and further from reaching your goals? 

There are ways you can learn to negotiate your work life and avoid burnout while successfully running your business, so you become more productive. Once you become more organized at work, you can more fully enjoy your time away from work as well. If you are not stressing about your job, you can relax when you are at home and live a more balanced life.

How can you be more productive? What can you do to improve the quality of your life?

Here are a few ideas to find work-life balance and avoid workload burnout:

1 – Slow Down and Prioritize Tasks.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and it seems like you are running in circles, the best thing you can do is to slow down. Take the time to review and prioritize the tasks needed to be completed. Doing things right the first time will save time in the long run and avoid undue stress and anxiety. Going faster does not mean you are more productive or that you accomplish more things.

2 – Stop Procrastinating.

There are certain things about your business that are mundane, repetitive, or that you just do not want to do. If you take the time to do the tedious parts of tasks in your business, you can breathe a sigh of relief sooner. Better yet, you can pass these important tasks to someone else. Consider hiring a virtual assistant to help to complete these pesky tasks so you can move on to more revenue-producing (or even fun!) things.

3 – Share the Work.

You do not have to do everything! Consider hiring a virtual assistant to help to complete these pesky tasks so you can move on to more revenue-producing (or even fun!) things. Delegate responsibilities, and you will get everything done in a timely manner. Delegating will give you some relief from your workload which reduces burnout while building a team that generates a sense of accomplishment.

4 – Simplify.

Hans Hofmann said, “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” Do not make things complicated. As humans, we tend to make extra work for ourselves even if it is unnecessary. Step re-inventing the wheel. If a process has been proven to work, do not try to fix it. Live by the KISS method: Keep It Simple Silly.

5 – De-clutter.

Streamlining your workspace helps you focus on your work. Arrange your desk so you can reach what you need the moment you need it. This also applies to your digital files on your computer. Go through your folders and remove what is no longer needed. The more often you cull and organize the less time it will take to maintain organized files and increase your ability to quickly find them when needed. Sifting through multiple piles on your desk or sifting through documents on your computer costs you valuable time, causes frustration, and can even prevent you from completing important tasks!

6 – Develop healthy boundaries . . . learn to say “NO.”

When your workload is maxed out, be assertive about saying no. By always saying “yes” to your clients, family, and friends you are giving your power away. Instead, we would like to keep our power within us so we will make decisions that best serve us. The next time someone asks you to do something, stop, and give some thought to it first. Are you doing this because it is something you want to try and do or be involved in? If “yes,” it is fantastic to move ahead and have a good time doing this. If it is taking you away from the chance to try and do something for you or to spend time with someone you love, practice saying “NO.” By saying no, you will have more time for you and the people that matter most in your life. It is okay to say NO… Decline tasks and invitations if you are overloaded. And before you say yes, go back to your list of priorities to review what is important. Also, set office hours for your business and do everything you can to get the most done during these hours. Once you have learned to keep work from cutting into your personal time, you will become more empowered to enjoy life outside the office walls as well as reduce workload burnout.

7 – Implement Technology.

Use technology to your advantage. A small-time investment in entering information, such as addresses and other contact information, into a computer system can save volumes of time later. Once you have implemented a system, it is much easier to make changes to the information and stay current. It also makes it easier to keep up with detailed customer information. Setting up systems might be time-consuming in the beginning but once everything is set up, you will find that your workflow processes will run smoothly. Do not try to go it alone, hire a virtual assistant to help with getting your technology set up and working.

8 – Eliminate Distractions.

Avoiding distractions can be the most challenging, especially when working from a home office. If your personal life creeps in to interfere during your office hours, work to set some boundaries as much as possible. Be firm when you have work to finish. Pinpoint your major distractions and knock them out before you settle down to work. Without an issue hanging over your head, you are more likely to focus on your work. Once you have learned to streamline your workday, you will find that you no longer dread working on your business and expecting the best results. Imagine knowing that you are ready to start your day instead of playing catch up from yesterday.

Be sure to start using these ideas today to enjoy a great work-life balance and a more fulfilling life with a reduced level of workload burnout!

So if you’re not quite sure if you are headed for workload burnout in your business, take QUIZ to get an accurate diagnosis of where you are and how to get un-stuck. And, right after that, sign up for a DISCOVERY CALL to discuss your results!

Be sure to post any questions you might have below, and we’ll get right back to you! And if you like this article, share the article.

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