Client Onboarding Overview

Business Policies

You should be familiar with policies/procedures to ensure our working relationship runs smoothly. Please read these carefully so that everything is understood. The procedures, practices, and benefits described here may occasionally be modified and/or discontinued as our business model changes. We will let you know ahead of any changes as they happen.


Who To Contact.

As a MINE Your Business Virtual Solutions client, Therese Winters is your main point of contact. In her absence, Therese may assign a different point of contact.

Methods of Contact.

The primary contact method with Therese is via the Trello Board Management System.  Email can be used as an alternative method.  Therese checks email two (2) times daily (once in the morning and once in the afternoon).  For the best response, please use the Trello Board.

If you have scheduled a time to work together on a project, it is reasonable to communicate quickly, such as by phone calls or texts.

Please understand that sending Therese messages via Text, Facebook Messenger, or Zoom does not guarantee a response. We do not use those methods for business-related correspondence unless we agree to them in writing.

Therese does not accept unscheduled phone calls, but please feel free to leave a voicemail, and she will return your call as soon as possible.  If you are a client, please use the Trello Board to request a call.


When you contact Therese, you can expect a response within 24 hours. Therese deeply respects the importance of your time and checks her email twice a day to ensure your queries are addressed promptly. The turnaround time for tasks and projects may vary but will always be indicated in the project management tool or discussed with the client. Typically, tasks are completed within 48 to 72 hours.

Responses are not guaranteed during non-office hours.  Please scroll down for our office hours, vacations, and holidays.

Responses may be delayed during vacations, holidays, or emergencies.  Therese will do her best to inform you of these delays in advance.

Project Alignment Session

Scheduling Calls.

Clients are encouraged to keep the lines of communication open as we work through projects together.  The Trello Board should be the main point of communication.  However, clients can expect to have a scheduled Zoom Meeting to review the project details when needed.  These meetings should be scheduled using the MINEYoBiz Scheduling Calendar link: ProjectAlignmentSession. This link can also be found on a card on the Trello Board.  Using this calendar, which reflects Therese’s actual availability, please schedule the most convenient time for you.

Please remember that it is your responsibility to schedule and use these calls. Just so you know – the calls are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and your time with Therese does not roll over. Therefore, we recommend that you schedule your calls in advance as soon as you receive the reminder email(s).

Re-Scheduling or Cancelling Calls.

If an unusual situation occurs and you need to reschedule, please give us as much notice as possible. As with any professional service business, a minimum 24-hour notice via email or text is expected. If less than 24 hours’ notice is given, a 15-minute charge will be assessed.

Length of Calls.

The project Alignment Session calls are designed to be up to 60 minutes long.  They are a dedicated time for us to focus on your project’s goals, objectives, progress, and status.  We encourage the team to use the Trello Board to outline an agenda for the meeting.  The time used during these calls will be charged against the project package rate.  Please note that if your call starts later than the scheduled time, the call will still end at the designated initial finish time, as we have expected clients before and after your call.

Timeliness in Meetings – The “Late Professor” Rule

At MINE Your Business Virtual Solutions, we prioritize the value of our time and the importance of our meetings. To ensure that we make the most of our scheduled discussions, we have implemented the “Late Professor” Rule regarding tardiness.

If you are unable to arrive at our scheduled meeting on time, please note that Therese will wait for a maximum of one-third of the total meeting duration. For instance, this means waiting up to 10 minutes for a 30-minute call and up to 15 minutes for a 60-minute call. It’s important to understand that waiting time will be deducted from your available hours.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this policy, as it helps maintain a productive environment for all parties involved. Thank you for valuing our time as much as we value yours.

Getting The Most Out of Your Calls.

To ensure you get the most out of our calls, we encourage you to use the Trello Board to record details that must be covered at least 48 hours before the call. This preparation will give Therese ample time to review and prepare, ensuring your session is as valuable as possible.


Time Tracking Policy

To ensure transparency and accountability in our service delivery, we utilize an online time tracking tool, CRM Timer, to meticulously record the time spent on each client project. This system allows us to capture every moment dedicated to your needs, ensuring you receive the highest level of service.

Scope of Time Tracking

All time logged in the CRM Timer is directly associated with your project and contributes to the total hours allocated within your selected package. This includes, but is not limited to:

– Kick-off/Intro Meetings

– Weekly, Bi-Monthly, and Monthly Client Check-In Meetings

– New Service Meetings

Commitment to Accuracy and Budget

We want you to know that we are committed to providing you with an accurate representation of the time spent on your project. Just to let you know, the hours billed to you reflect only the time dedicated to your business; there are no downtime or unproductive time charges.

To maintain our commitment to your budget, we will proactively let you know if we approach the limit of the hours you have budgeted. As a fellow business owner, I fully understand the significance of staying within financial parameters and prioritizing your budgetary constraints.

By implementing this time-tracking policy, we aim to foster a transparent partnership where you can trust that every hour is accounted for and utilized effectively to advance your business goals.


Quote for additional services.

When tasks are needed outside the current contract or scope of work, request a quote for additional services. For the quickest return of the quote, provide a detailed description of the task, including the date and time needed. A quote will be submitted. This can be communicated by email or via the Trello Board. Once payment is remitted, the additional job tasks will be scheduled and completed.


Decision-Making Responsibilities

You hold the primary responsibility for all decisions related to your home life, work, and business. While we are here to provide opinions, share resources, and make referrals, the final choice on whether to act on any of this information rests entirely with you.

If you decide to implement a recommendation, I want you to know that you are fully responsible for that decision. Also, if you choose to engage with someone based on our referral, I want you to know that the nature of that relationship will be completely separate from our partnership.


Client Referrals and Partnership

We are delighted to have the opportunity to refer clients as we develop a deep understanding of each client’s business and their ideal customer profiles. This insight allows us to connect them with the right resources effectively.

Conversely, our clients frequently refer others to us, fostering a valuable partnership that benefits all parties involved. If you hear an entrepreneur needing assistance in managing their business or navigating processes, we encourage you to make an introduction.

As a token of our appreciation for any referrals to MINE Your Business Virtual Solutions, please let us know when you refer someone. Once the new client pays their first invoice, we’ll gladly acknowledge your generosity with a special gift: one free hour of service or $45 worth of support.



You can expect me to:

  • Go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction and support the growth of your business.
  • Maintain ongoing communication to keep you informed and engaged.
  • Follow up regularly to seek your feedback and insights.
  • Provide recommendations and solutions based on my expertise and fresh perspective.

Regular Office Hours

MINE Your Business Virtual Solutions operates in the Central Standard Time Zone (CST). Our regular office hours are:

  • Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST
  • Friday: 8 a.m. – Noon CST

Please note that we are closed on Saturdays and Sundays unless prior arrangements have been made. Our services are also unavailable on national holidays and during scheduled vacations.


Now we can get started!

– Look forward to receiving an invitation to your Trello Board as well as other ways to connect!

Booking Calendar

Already signed up to work together?  Schedule your “Getting Started Onboarding Call”

Ready to chat about your project?  Schedule a DISCOVERY CALL

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